President’s Message – February 2018

Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA

Our January lunch meeting featuring Sarah Loose and Andrew Justl from Baker-Tilly Virchow Kraus focused mainly on the 2018 changes in the tax code. It was an interesting insight for what deductions continue or end, and what the impact is on taxpayers. Thank you to all who came. Also, an extra thank you to those who donated cash/items to the Salvation Army.

We will be hosting the AGA National webinars on March 28 and April 11. Registration details will come out in March, but hold the date if these topics will help you. Each is 2 CPE, and will run from 1:00-2:50 CT.

  • March 28 Cybersecurity
  • April 11 Beyond the Code: Ethics in the Real World

The schedule is in the final stages for our Annual Spring Symposium on May 9. Brochures will be available soon and registration details will be on our website. See page 7 of the current newsletter for a preview of topics. This day will offer 7 CPE.
