Monthly Footnotes – April 2013

March was CGFM Month! At the March lunch meeting, we gathered together all the CGFMs in attendance for a photo with the proclamations signed by Governor Walker and Mayor Soglin. Pictured left to right: Back row: Allen Vick, CGFM-Retired, Joanne Schultz, CGFM, Edward Tuecke, CGFM, David Mellem, CGFM, Julia Lengyel, CGFM candidate* Front row: Mary Laufenberg, CGFM, Sherri Voigt, CGFM *has passed all 3 parts of the exam and is completing the work experience requirement
March was CGFM Month!
At the March lunch meeting, we gathered together all the CGFMs in attendance for a photo with the proclamations signed by Governor Walker and Mayor Soglin.
Pictured left to right:
Back row: Allen Vick, CGFM-Retired, Joanne Schultz, CGFM, Edward Tuecke, CGFM, David Mellem, CGFM, Julia Lengyel, CGFM candidate*
Front row: Mary Laufenberg, CGFM, Sherri Voigt, CGFM
*has passed all 3 parts of the exam and is completing the work experience requirement

Inside This Issue: Footnotes – April 2013
1. April Luncheon Meeting
2. April Luncheon Speaker
3. Chapter News
4. President’s Message
5. March Board Minutes
6. March Luncheon Recap
7. Symposium Information
8. Membership Recruitment Results
9. National News
10. CGFM Corner
11. Calendar of Events
12. Chapter Contacts

President’s Message – March 2013

Carrie Ferguson
Southern Wisconsin Chapter President Carrie Ferguson

Spring is fast approaching we are told. After all, the clocks are moving back and the sound of bouncing basketballs fills the air. Unfortunately, signs of spring aren’t quite as visible in nature, given the recent snowstorm. Although, perhaps that is just a sign that Mother Nature is taking “March Madness” to heart, too.

March also brings another event – AGA membership and CGFM renewal time! For all AGA members and CGFMs, please try to get your renewals in by March 31! If you are not currently an AGA member, this is a great time to join. Remember, you are only responsible for dues as the national level as our chapter does not charge any additional chapter dues. If you have questions about membership, please check out the Membership page or contact our membership chair (see Contacts). If you are not a CGFM, this is a great time to consider looking over the requirements and to start studying for the exam. Check out our CGFM corner in the March newsletter (see page 9) and the CGFM section of our website for additional information. Also, feel free to contact either of our CGFM co-chairs with any additional questions you might have (see Contacts).

In fact, March also marks AGA’s CGFM month. Congratulations to all Southern Wisconsin Chapter CGFMs! We hope to see many of you at our upcoming March luncheon! In recognition of CGFM month, Madison’s mayor and Wisconsin’s governor have issued proclamations to recognize this event. See the March Newsletter for copies of these proclamations. Also, good luck to those of you who are still working to complete your remaining parts of the exam!

If March sports are not your cup of tea, or if you have some free time between games, perhaps you might be “mad about art.” If so, you should consider entering the Chapter Citizen Centric Reporting (CCR) Program Logo Contest. More information about the rules for this contest can be found on page 7 of the newsletter. There are some great prizes if your design receives the most votes (or even if your design is the runner-up). Not only that, the winning design will impact the CCR program for years to come! All members are welcome to enter, since chapters may submit more than one design for the contest, so be sure to submit your entry by March 29, 2013.

Finally, March is also a time when many of us our thinking taxes (if we aren’t fortunate enough to have them completed yet). After all, April 15th is fast approaching. Hopefully, you were fortunate enough to attend the January luncheon meeting to pick up some additional tax preparation tips from the presentation provided by Andrew Justl, Manager at Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP.

Happy CGFM Month! And Happy Spring (whenever it gets here)!

Monthly Footnotes – March 2013

Pictured (left to right): front: Mary Laufenberg, Carrie Ferguson; middle: Roger Birkett, Bea Beasley, Lily Radivojevich, Sherri Voigt; back: David Mellem, Dolly O’Laughlin, Tom Scheidegger
2012-13 Officers and Directors
Pictured (left to right): front: Mary Laufenberg,
Carrie Ferguson; middle: Roger Birkett, Bea
Beasley, Lily Radivojevich, Sherri Voigt; back:
David Mellem, Dolly O’Laughlin, Tom Scheidegger

Inside This Issue: 2013-03News
1. March Luncheon Meeting
2. March Luncheon Speaker
3. President’s Message
4. Chapter News
4. Save-the-Date: Annual Symposium
5. March is CGFM Month
7. National News
9. CGFM Corner
9. Articles
11. Calendar of Events
12. Chapter Contacts

Monthly Footnotes – February 2013

Save the Date - 36th Annual Accounting and Financial Management Conference
Save the Date – 36th Annual Accounting and Financial Management Conference

Inside This Issue: 2013-02News
1. Luncheon Meeting Cancelled
2. President’s Message
3. Save-the-Date Annual Symposium
4. Job Announcements
5. National News
6. CGFM Corner
7. Articles
9. Calendar of Events
10. Chapter Contacts

Monthly Footnotes – December 2012/January 2013

The chapter held its first social event in many years. We had a number of people who had to cancel due to all the illnesses travelling around, but we got a few folks out to the Fisher King Winery in Mount Horeb. The group enjoyed a glass of wine and a cheese & sausage plate with artisanal crackers. Pictured: Lily Radivojevich, Bea Beasley, Steve Gauger, Sherri Voigt
The chapter held its first social event in many years. We had a number of people who had to cancel due to all the illnesses travelling around, but we got a few folks out to the Fisher King Winery in Mount Horeb. The group enjoyed a glass of wine and a cheese & sausage plate with artisanal crackers.
Pictured: Lily Radivojevich, Bea Beasley, Steve Gauger, Sherri Voigt

Inside This Issue: 201212News
1. Luncheon Meeting
2. About This Month’s Luncheon Speaker
3. President’s Message
4. Chapter News
5. Board Meetings Minutes
6. November Luncheon Recap
7. Chapter Social Event
8. Chapter & National Member Recruitment Program
9. CGFM-CPA Comparison
10. National News
11. CGFM Corner
12. Articles
13. Calendar of Events
14. Chapter Contacts

Monthly Footnotes – November 2012

Steve Gauger, AGA member since 1978.
Steve Gauger, AGA member since 1978.

Inside This Issue: 201211News
1. Luncheon Meeting
2. President’s Message
3. About This Month’s Luncheon Speaker
3. Chapter News
4. December Ethic Workshop
5. Member Spotlight
6. October Lunch Recap
7. 20-20-20 Chapter Recruitment and National Member Recruitment Program
8. National News
9. CGFM Corner
10. Articles
12. Calendar of Events
13. Chapter Contacts

Monthly Footnotes – October 2012

Cost Principles, Cost Allocation Rules and Regulations for Federally Funded Grants and Contracts Thursday, October 18, 2012 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cost Principles, Cost Allocation
Rules and Regulations for Federally
Funded Grants and Contracts
Thursday, October 18, 2012
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Inside This Issue: 201210News
1. Luncheon Meeting
2. President’s Message
3. About This Month’s Luncheon Speaker
3. Chapter News
4. Board Meeting Notes
5. Training Announcement
5. September Lunch Recap
6. 20-20-20- Chapter Recruitment Campaign
7. National Member Recruitment Program
8. National News
10. CGFM Corner
10. Articles
12. Calendar of Events
13. Chapter Contacts

Monthly Footnotes – September 2012

AGA presented the 2012 national award for Regional Coordinator to David Mellem, a member of the Southern Wisconsin AGA Chapter, at the Professional Development Conference in San Diego on July 31. David served as Regional Coordinator for Chapter Development and Assistance for the North Central Region.
AGA presented the 2012 national award
for Regional Coordinator to David
Mellem, a member of the Southern
Wisconsin AGA Chapter, at the
Professional Development Conference
in San Diego on July 31. David served
as Regional Coordinator for Chapter
Development and Assistance for the
North Central Region.

Inside This Issue: 201209News

1. Luncheon Schedule
2. President’s Message
3. About This Month’s Luncheon Speaker
3. Chapter News
4. Member Spotlight
4. Board Meeting Notes
5. Chapter and Member Awards
6. Training Announcement
6. Job Announcements
7. GFOA Blue Book
8. “$10 Million a Minute Bus Tour”
9. National News
10. CGFM Corner
11. Articles
14. Calendar of Events
15. Chapter Contacts