Inside this issue: October 2016 Footnotes
- Chapter Luncheon
- About This Month’s Speaker
- President’s Message
- Chapter News
- Employment Opportunity
- National Leadership Award Nomination
- National News
- CGFM Information
- Calendar of Events
- Chapter Contacts
AGA Southern Wisconsin Chapter
Association of Government Accountants
Inside this issue: October 2016 Footnotes
October 2016 Luncheon Meeting
1 CPE Available
TOPIC: Budget and Borrowing for the City of Madison’s Broadbanding
SPEAKER: David P. Schmiedicke, Finance Director, City of Madison
DATE: Thursday, October 20, 2016
REGISTRATION: 11:30 a.m. LUNCH: 11:45 a.m.
COST: $6 for Members, $12 for Non-Members
PLACE: Rigby’s Restaurant, 119 East Main Street, Madison
MENU: Meals served with house cut pub fries and include soda, coffee, or tea.
RESERVATIONS: Register below, or, contact Sherri Voigt by 1 p.m. on Monday, October 17, 2016 with your name, membership status, meal choice at (608) 266-2814 or [email protected].
CPE Hours earned during this event can be used to fulfill CGFM CPE requirements. To learn more about the CGFM Certification, contact AGA’s Office of Professional Certification
If you are a new member and you are attending your first luncheon, it’s FREE! Please note that when calling in your reservation.
September 2016 Lunch Meeting Webinar
September 14 | 1–2:50 p.m. CT | 2 CPEs
TOPIC: Avoiding Surprises and Assessing Risks: Building on Today’s Internal Controls
DATE: Wednesday, September 14, 2016
TIME: 1:00 – 2:50 p.m.
COST: Free for Members, $10 for NonMembers
PLACE: State Office Building (home of DFI, Tourism, DVA, WHEDA) 201 West Washington Avenue, Madison, WI 53703
REGISTRATION: Contact Sherri Voigt by 1 p.m. on Monday, September 12, 2016 with your name, membership status, at (608) 266-2814, [email protected], or register below:
Avoiding Surprises and Assessing Risks: Building
on Today’s Internal Controls
September 14 | 1–2:50 p.m. CT | 2 CPEs | FOS: ACCG
Learn how governments across the country are strengthening their internal control processes by setting new parameters for risk management. These new parameters help governments identify challenges early, bring them to the attention of agency leadership and develop solutions. On July 15, 2016, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued a revised version of OMB Circular No. A-123, which addressed internal controls. The revised circular was broadened and now addresses Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control. Similarly, under North Carolina’s Enhancing Accountability in Government through Leadership and Education (EAGLE), each agency must perform an annual assessment of internal controls over financial reporting and compliance. By performing this assessment, agencies can identify risks and compensating controls that reduce the possibility of material misstatements, misappropriation of assets and noncompliance with governmental rules and regulations. This webinar will examine emerging trends in internal control by examining both the federal and North Carolina initiatives.
Wynona Cash, CICA, EAGLE Team Lead, North Carolina Comptroller’s Office Mike Wetklow, MPA, CGFM, CPA, Deputy CFO, National Science Foundation
Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None required
Field of Study: Governmental Accounting
This webinar offers two (2) CPE hours for participants who attend the entire training. Site coordinators will receive an email confirmation one day before the start of the training that will contain the PIN code and instructions for participants to verify and retrieve their certificates.
CPE Hours earned during this event can be used to fulfill CGFM CPE requirements. To learn more about the CGFM Certification, contact AGA’s Office of Professional Certification.
AGA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Inside this issue: April 2016 – Footnotes
April 2016 Luncheon Meeting
TOPIC: Budget and Planning Process to Replace Lead Pipes, City of Madison
SPEAKERS: Joseph Grande & Robin Piper
DATE: Thursday, April 21, 2016
REGISTRATION: 11:30 a.m. LUNCH: 11:45 a.m.
COST: $6 for Members, $12 for Non-Members
Free for CGFMs!
PLACE: Monona Garden Family Restaurant, 6501 Bridge Road, Monona, WI, 53713, in the back meeting room (Located just off Broadway near Monona Road & beltline)
MENU: All sandwiches come with french fries, fruit or cottage cheese and soda/ coffee/tea.
RESERVATIONS: Register below, or, contact Sherri Voigt by 1 p.m. on Monday, April 18, 2016 with your name, membership status, meal choice (and for carpooling information) at (608) 576-6473 or [email protected].
Did you know about this membership benefit? Please note this when making your reservation.
Financial Management Supervisor – Career Executive
The DPI is currently seeking applicants for Financial Management Supervisor position for the Management Services team within the Division for Finance and Management. The position is located at 125 South Webster Street in Madison, WI.
Deadline to apply: 3/21/2016
See complete listing on