Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA
Welcome to the new AGA Southern Wisconsin program year!
We are off to a bit of a late start, but our first chapter webinar is coming up November 10, Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management.
We have also included some upcoming CPE events from AGA National and other chapters. Please take a look at the information for the 2022 Technology & Transformation Summit (page 3)… This is 8 CPE and is free to members!!! If you can’t attend the full day, you can still get credit for the sessions you do attend. This is a great part of your membership value!
The chapter board spent time in September and October discussing what we could for new AGA members. Historically, we offered a free lunch meeting. Since those are no longer part of the event rotation, we brainstormed and came up with a few ideas. The result was a vote to give new members $20 off the registration fee for the Annual Symposium. This also helps with members who are outside the Madison area and could not reasonably attend the lunch meetings. We will do a look-back to all members with an original join date of January 1, 2022 or later. I will be reaching out to that list of people over the next month or two to let them know, and I will also do an outreach as the Symposium agenda is finalized. [Note: Be sure to save the date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023]
AGA National has created Google accounts for chapters so we can better handle surveys. We will be sending out a member survey very soon to get feedback on what you would like to see the chapter doing, including the ever-present request for training topics and speakers. This year, we will be offering an optional drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card for completing the survey by the deadline. We look forward to the information so we can use it in planning chapter activities.
🐱 =^..^=