April Luncheon Meeting – The Budget and Estimated Impact on Operations for the Upcoming Alliant Energy Center Construction

The April Luncheon Meeting will be held Thursday, April 24, 2014 at Babe’s Madison.

Our speakers will be Mark Clarke, Executive Director and Bill Franz, CEO of the Alliant Energy Center.   They will discuss the budget and estimated impact on operations for the upcoming Alliant Energy Center construction.

Community Service Opportunity – At the April luncheon we will continue to support the Salvation Army Shelter and Community Center.

Register Today!

President’s Message – April 2014

SherriVoigtAs we are coming to the end of the 2014 program year, we have a lot in store for you. If you need CPE, this is the time to get it. We have the April 24 lunch meeting, the May 8 Symposium, and a live audio/web conference on June 11. That is 10.5 CPE if you attend all three! If you don’t need CPE, there are just some great learning opportunities open to you.

We had a successful March lunch meeting. There are notes from the session on page 6 of the newsletter. We also had a great response to the community service drive. We collected over 300 diapers, some ointment, and a stack of paper bags for the food pantry. The diapers/ointment will be dropped at the Salvation Army for them to hand out to families in need at the two shelters. Thank you to everyone who helped out!

We also had a nice turnout of CGFMs to celebrate “March is CGFM month”. We got the group together and took a photo with the proclamations signed by Mayor Soglin and Governor Walker.

If you are interested in the certification, feel free to contact Michele Gundrum. The chapter just ordered a set of the 2014 study guides that can be borrowed to study for the exams.

March was CGFM Month
Pictured, L to R: David Mellem, CGFM, Mary Laufenberg, CGFM, Joanne Schultz, CGFM, Al Vick, CGFM-Retired, Sherri Voigt, CGFM, Michele Gundrum, CGFM

President’s Message – March 2014

March is CGFM Month!

SherriVoigtHappy CGFM Month!!! This month, AGA chapters world-wide celebrate the Certified Government Financial Manager certification. The CCGFM is celebrating 20 years of excellence. If you would like to know more, please visit our CGFM page, under “About AGA.”

The lunch meeting this month will honor CGFMs, who may attend for free. We will have signed proclamations from Mayor Soglin and Governor Walker stating that March is CGFM month.

The March lunch meeting will be at a site close to the Alliant Center to facilitate attendance by those who are attending STAR meeting. If you are in meetings 8-12, 1-5 or both, just let us know and we’ll help you with any special arrangements needed. To make a reservation, go to the Current Meeting page.

Also, here is the 2014 Annual Symposium Brochure and Registration. We have a full lineup of topics for Thursday, May 8, 2014 and hope to see you there!

Monthly Footnotes – February 2014

2013-14 Officers and Directors Pictured (left to right): front: Sherri Voigt, Michele Tessner, Mary Laufenberg; middle: Lily Radivojevich, Rachel Zellmer, Sean Walker; back: Tom Scheidegger, David Mellem
2013-14 Officers and Directors
Pictured (left to right): front: Sherri Voigt, Michele Tessner, Mary Laufenberg; middle: Lily Radivojevich, Rachel Zellmer, Sean Walker; back: Tom Scheidegger, David Mellem






Inside this issue, February 2014 Footnotes :

  1. February Luncheon Meeting
  2. About this Month’s Speaker
  3. President’s Message
  4. Chapter News
  5. January AGA Board Meeting Minutes
  6. Job Announcements
  7. National News
  8. CGFM Corner
  9. Calendar of Events
  10. Board Members/Chapter Contacts

President’s Message – February, 2014

SherriVoigtGreetings All-

We are past the half-way point for the program year. I hope you have been able to attend one or more meetings this year.

If you attended some lunch meetings this fall and are a member, you will soon be contacted about whether you earned a free lunch (attend 3 lunches from September to February, get a free lunch in March or April). If you need just one more, the February lunch is your chance to do it.

It is membership renewal season and the  National Office has been sending out notices. The actual membership year ends March 31. I do hope you will renew your membership and take advantage of the member discounts offered. It is also CGFM renewal time for those who have the certification.

I would like to take a moment to mention that long-time member Laura Bowles contacted us recently. She is returning to private industry after many years working for the WI Department of Health Services and the UW-Madison. Laura was a frequent lunch meeting and Symposium attendee. She also served many years in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program as a chapter volunteer. I wanted to take the chance to congratulate her on this big move and let people know about her change.

Our chapter will be sending out a member satisfaction survey in the next 6-8 weeks. I hope you take the opportunity to give us feedback on the events held this year and provide us with suggestions for topics for the new program year.