December Webinar Rescheduled – Internal Control

Internal Control

Ensuring Effective Quality Management of the A-123 Program

December 18 | 2–3:50 PM ET | 2 CPEs | FOS: AUD

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None required
Field of Study: Auditing (AUD)

IMPORTANT: Due to National Day of Mourning and Federal government offices closing on Wednesday, Dec. 5, this webinar has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 18. All current registrants will be notified as soon. 

Financial leaders responsible for Risk and Control programs will discuss steps they are taking and tools they use to ensure quality in their organization’s A-123 programs to avoid surprises and increase efficiency and effectiveness of risk and control assessments.


  • Mike Wetklow, CGFM, CPA, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Division Director, NSF
  • Mark A. Krieger, CPA, Director, Office of Finance, USPTO


  • Daniella Datskovska, Director, TFC Consulting Inc.

REGISTRATION: 12:30 p.m. – Webinar 1:00 p.m.

COST: Free for Members, $10 for Non-Members

PLACE:  UWSA Service Center at 660 West Washington Ave, 2nd floor

Register below or by e-mail to Sherri Voigt by 1 pm on Friday, December 14, 2018.

Note: The AGA Chapter signs up for a single-site group webinar license. We can only award CPE for on-site attendance.

Membership Status(required)

President’s Message – November 2018

Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA

Welcome to winter!

We have two training events coming up. November 28 is an AGA national webinar with a unique presentation of ethics and ow to blind spots can lead to trouble. On December 5 we are hosting the AGA national webinar on internal controls and A123.

Tax season is just around the corner…in January we have the annual tax update lunch meeting. Last year, we got an overview of the proposed changes to tax laws. This year we can learn how the implementation will be handled

The planning is full speed ahead for the May 8 Annual Symposium. Many speakers are confirmed and the agenda is shaping up well. **save the date**

As always, if you have any topic or speaker suggestions, feel free to send them to Education Chair Mary Laufenberg.


December 5, 2018 Webinar – Internal Control

Welcome Members and Non-Members

IMPORTANT: Due to National Day of Mourning and Federal government offices closing on Wednesday, Dec. 5, this webinar has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 18. All current registrants will be notified as soon. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 | 1–2:50 p.m. | 2 CPE
Internal Control
Ensuring Effective Quality Management of the A-123 Program

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None Required
Field of Study: Auditing (AUD)

Financial leaders responsible for Risk and Control programs will discuss steps they are taking and tools they use to ensure quality in their organization’s A-123 programs to avoid surprises and increase efficiency and effectiveness of risk and control assessments.


  • Mike Wetklow, CGFM, CPA, Deputy Chief Financial Officer and Division Director, NSF
  • Mark A. Krieger, CPA, Director, Office of Finance, USPTO


  • Daniella Datskovska, Director, TFC Consulting Inc.

REGISTRATION: 12:30 p.m. – Webinar 1:00 p.m.

COST: Free for Members, $10 for Non-Members

PLACE:  UWSA Service Center at 660 West Washington Ave, 2nd floor

Register below or by e-mail to Sherri Voigt by 1 pm on Monday, December 3, 2018.

Note: The AGA Chapter signs up for a single-site group webinar license. We can only award CPE for on-site attendance.

Membership Status(required)

November 28, 2018 Webinar – Ethics – Escape the BlindSpot Zone

Welcome Members/Non-Members

Wednesday, November 28
November 28 | 1–2:50 p.m. | 2 CPE

TOPIC: Ethics – Escape the BlindSpot Zone

SPEAKER: Kevin McCarthy
Inspirational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, BlindSpots, LLC

REGISTRATION: 12:45 p.m. – Webinar 1:00 p.m.

COST: Attendance is free to the first 30 people who register. A wait list will be created if more than 30 people sign up.

PLACE: Regent Street Area-Exact Site To Be Determined
Details will be sent to registrants

Register below or by e-mail to Sherri Voigt by 1 pm on Monday, November 26, 2018.

Note: The AGA Chapter signs up for a single-site group webinar license. We can only award CPE for on-site attendance.

Membership Status(required)

November 28, 2018 Webinar Speaker

About This Month’s Speaker

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy
Inspirational Speaker, Best-Selling Author, BlindSpots, LLC

The problem with making ethical decisions is you don’t always know you are in the middle of an ethical dilemma. Our speaker spent 33 months in a federal prison for a crime he didn’t knowingly commit because… he had blind spots. What are your blind spots doing to you? We all have numerous blind spots. They are nearly impossible to recognize if we are not looking for them.

Learners will discover how to make better decisions and enjoy richer relationships at work and home by:

  • Discovering your unconscious assumptions that are impacting your decisions and behavior
  • Learning how to quickly recognize your blind spots so you can avoid unnecessary hardships
  • Unmasking the hidden biases that creep into every decision-making process
    Learning and applying simple but effective decision-making tools

Southern Wisconsin AGA Chapter Earns Platinum Status for Program Year 2018

AGA Platinum Chapter Award

The Southern Wisconsin AGA chapter earned Platinum status for program  year 2018!!! This is the top level for chapter awards. This reflects the level of training offered and chapter activities. Thank you to Roger Birkett for attending the awards ceremony on July 25 to accept the award on behalf of the chapter. Thank you to each member who was able to participate in a training, webinar, or community service event!

AGA National President Jim Arnette with Chapter Treasurer Roger Birkett

President’s Message – November 2018

Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA

Welcome to 2019…Well, the AGA Chapter Program Year 2019 anyhow!

We have reviewed the Symposium evaluations and used the topic areas rated high to seek out topics for this year. We are recruiting speakers for May 8, 2019 and are always willing to check out new suggestions. Any topic or speaker idea you have can be sent to education chair Mary Laufenberg to research further. (Drop her a note at: [email protected].)

This month’s newsletter features some photos and information about the Chapter Recognition Award earned last program year. For those who didn’t know, the chapter reports out on activities done during the year in 8 separate categories: Chapter Leadership Planning & Participation, Education and Professional Development, Certification, Communications, Membership, Accountability, Community Service, and Awards. This information goes to the National AGA Office as well as to our regional and sectional leadership. It is used to monitor chapter activity.

On another note, I would like to thank all the CGFMs who participated in the job analysis survey recently. This is a critical part of maintaining the professionalism and relevance of the Certified Government Financial Manager certification exams. As the AGA National Chair for the Professional Certification Board, I am honored to be part of the job analysis review and exam content update this year.

I look forward to seeing you at an upcoming chapter event!


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