In-Person for 2022 – Full Schedule Linked Below:

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Conference

Objective: The intended audience is financial managers, controllers, treasurers, auditors, IT personnel, and accountability professionals whose responsibilities involve governmental accountability and financial management. This conference will explore current problems encountered in the public sector, inform of public policies and emerging issues, and provide managerial techniques to affect positive change.

Format:                 Lecture, Question & Answer

Level:                    Update/Overview

CPE Credits:        6.5 hours

Fee:                       AGA Member $50
                               Non-Member $100
                                Retired AGA Member $30

Registration:    Union South moved up the deadlines for meal and chair counts—

Registration ends on Tuesday, April 26

Symposium Brochure with Schedule and Speakers

Cybersecurity Webinar – January 24, 2022

An overview of cybersecurity topics including:

  • ways you can identify cyber threats  
  • how to protect your data in both the workplace and your home 
  • how to create, protect, and store unique passwords 

Presenter:  Randy Sklar, CEO Sklar Technology Partners 

When:  Monday, January 24, 2022; 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm Central Time 

Prerequisites: None 

Who Should Attend: Anyone who works with electronic data at work or at home
Advanced Preparation: None
Field of Study:  Information Technology-Technical  

Delivery Method:  Group Internet Based  

Program Level: Overview 

Participants will earn 1.0 CPE credits 

Cost:   Free to AGA members 

Free to non-members – special this month! 

Registration deadline is Friday January 21, 5 pm 

*** Limit: 60 people (a wait list will be created if the limit is hit)*** 

Register below or or send an email to Sherri Voigt.

AGA Member?(required)

Ethics Webinar – November 3, 2021

The Influential Power of Workplace Ethics

Wednesday, November 3 Webinar
1:00–2:50 PM CT | 2 CPEs | FOS: BETH

TOPIC: Ethics-The Influential Power of Workplace Ethics

SPEAKER: Kevin Coleman, Empowerment Coach, Trainer, and Speaker KMC Empowerment, LLC

COST: Free for AGA Members / $20 for Non-Members

Register below or e-mail (Sherri Voigt) by 1 pm on Monday, November 1, 2021.

Please note that this is a two-step registration. Register through the chapter to get a code and then register at AGA national. (Directions to be sent upon receipt of chapter registration.)

Limited to 30 participants; a wait-list will be created if registrations go above that number.

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Registration and Agenda – 43rd Annual Spring Symposium

AGA Southern Wisconsin presents

43rd Annual Spring Symposium

Professional Development Training

May 19, 2021 | 8:00am-3:45pm | Virtual | 7 CPEs

Topics Include:

  • Bad Accounting Leads to Bad Decisions
  • How the Pandemic Helped Me Address My Struggle with Burnout
  • COVID-19 and the Wisconsin Economy
  • Retirement as a Journey, Not an End Point
  • Leveraging Funding to Bring Bus Rapid Transit to Madison
  • Additional Sales Tax from Out-of-State Retailers

AGA Member $30 | Non-Member $60 | Retired AGA Member $15


** Registration deadline is May 13, 2021**

Registration available below or print and send from Agenda Document:

Choose one option(required)

Payment Method (Choose one)(required)


Save the Date!


All Virtual for 2021–Registration and Agenda

Wednesday — May 19, 2021

The Association of Government Accountants
Advancing Government Accountability

Wednesday, May 19, 2021
8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.

Objective: The intended audience is financial managers, controllers, treasurers, auditors, IT personnel, and accountability professionals whose responsibilities involve governmental accountability and financial management. This conference will explore current problems encountered in the public sector, inform of public policies and emerging issues, and provide managerial techniques to affect positive change. The 43rd Annual Accounting and Financial Management Conference continues the Association of Government Accountant’s commitment to a planned program of professional education and development for public sector financial managers.

Format: Lecture, Question & Answer
Level: Update/Overview
CPE Credits: 7 hours
Fee: AGA Member $30 / Non-Member $60 /Retired AGA Member $15

April 2020 Webinar – Ethics-The Spy’s Among Us!

Ethics-The Spy’s Among Us!

April 8 | 1:00–2:50 PM CT | 2 CPEs | FOS: BETH

The Psychology Behind Unethical Behavior & The Role Technology Plays in Unethical Behavior

Do you know if a Spy is sitting next to you in the workplace? Are you an accomplice to an ethical violation at work unbeknownst to yourself? Will the advancement of new technology compel the public & private sectors to subdue ethics? This Webinar will help you recognize alarming ways that ethics is being compromised in the workplace. It will also help you become more cognizant of the ethical dilemma companies face in their quest for more advanced technology.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Elaborate on ethical concerns in advanced technology
  2. Discuss the psychology of why an employee would ignore ethical principles and engage in inappropriate business conduct at work
  3. Identify ways an employer can limit ethical violations in the workplace
  4. Explain what an employee can do if they discover that a co-worker is violating their company’s code of ethics
  5. Articulate how ethical framework shapes social responsibility
  6. Describe unethical practices in the workplace

Speaker: Dr. Alfred Robinson, Chief J1 , DoD

REGISTRATION: 12:30 p.m. – Webinar 1:00 p.m.

COST: Attendance is free to the first 50 people who
register. A wait list will be created if more than 50 people sign up.

PLACE: GEF3, 125 South Webster Street. Madison, Wisconsin 53703-3474

Register on-line below or by e-mail  by 1 pm on Friday, April 3, 2020.

Note: The AGA Chapter signs up for a single-site group webinar license. We can only award CPE for on-site, in person attendance.

Membership Status(required)

March 2020 Audio Conference – Cybersecurity- Mitigating Threats and Hacks

Welcome Members & Non-Members

Wednesday, March 25
Audio Conference
1:00–2:50 P.M. | 2 CPEs

TOPIC: Cybersecurity- Mitigating Threats and Hacks

SPEAKERS: Sarah Cunningham, CGFM, CFO, Mecklenburg County; Scott
Randels, Director FFRDC PMO, Science & Technology Directorate, DHS; Drew Buttner, DHS; Alec Summers, DHS

REGISTRATION: 12:45 p.m.

Attendance is limited to 30 people. If more than 30 individuals register, we will create a wait list.

COST: Free for Members, $10 for Non-Members

PLACE: Department of Transportation
Hill Farms State Office Building
4822 Madison Yards Way

Register on-line below or e-mail by 1 pm on Friday, March 20, 2020.

Note: The AGA Chapter signs up for a single-site group webinar license. We can only award CPE for on-site, in-person attendance.

Membership Status/Payment(required)

March 2020 – About This Month’s Webinar

Mitigating Threats and Hacks

March 25 | 1:00–2:50 PM CT | 2 CPEs | FOS: CS

Program Level: Overview
Prerequisite: None
Advance Preparation: None required
Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications (CS)

Learn what financial management personnel need to know about cyberthreats and how to manage the risk in our upcoming webinar, “Cybersecurity: Mitigating Threats and Hacks.”

Cybersecurity is not as scary as it seems — as long as you have a plan. Our panelists will share their cyber experiences, plus offer information on identifying and addressing dangerous software errors and how to leverage federal resources for best practices in cybersecurity.

Participants will also hear from two government agencies on the following

  • We were Hacked (Mecklenburg County)
  • Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors (DHS)

Learning Objectives
Through this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify types of threats and hacks.
  • Understand methods of mitigation to apply to found threats and hacks within the organization.
  • Identify the top 25 most dangerous software errors and how to deal with them.


  • Sarah Cunningham, CGFM, CFO, Mecklenburg County
  • Scott Randels, Director FFRDC PMO, Science & Technology Directorate, DHS
  • Drew Buttner, DHS
  • Alec Summers, DHS

January Audio Conference Speakers

During this webinar, we will be discussing some of the challenges and best practices of Uniform Guidance since its implementation days. What are some of the most common challenges local, state, feds and/or NGOs are facing when implementing Uniform Guidance. While the intent was to streamline administrative and improve “performance, transparency, and oversight for Federal Awards,” some areas remain for many organizations receiving federal funding to overcome, i.e. administrative burden, contractor vs. sub-recipient relationship, determining portion of federal funding, etc

Bert Nuehring, CPA
Partner, Crowe
Mr. Nuehring is a partner with the public accounting, consulting and technology firm of Crowe LLP. Mr. Nuehring has been in the public accounting profession for over 30 years and has been responsible for planning, administering and supervising audit, accounting and consulting service engagements for governmental, education and notfor-profit entities. Mr. Nuehring has extensive experience with Uniform Grant Guidance compliance, compliance auditing, performance auditing, internal auditing, Enterprise Risk Management, internal controls, federal grant administration, and standards implementation. Mr. Nuehring holds a Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Business Administration from Wartburg College and is a certified public accountant and chartered global management accountant.

Nicole Waldeck, PMP (Invited)
Senior Policy Analyst, OMB
Nicole Waldeck is a Policy Analyst with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Federal Financial Management (OFFM). In this role, Nicole collaborates to provide government-wide policy on the award, administration, and management of Federal financial assistance. She leads government-wide initiatives to improve Federal financial assistance policies, processes, and systems while engaging with Government and non-Federal stakeholders on key issues. Nicole is the OMB lead for the Performance Management Work Group for the Results-Oriented Accountability CrossAgency Priority Goal for the President’s Management Agenda. Nicole is currently pursuing her Master of Public Policy Degree at George Mason University and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Finance from the University of Central Florida. She is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP). Nicole lives in Arlington, Virginia with her husband and dog Wrigley.