President’s Message – November 2022

Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA

Welcome to the new AGA Southern Wisconsin program year!

We are off to a bit of a late start, but our first chapter webinar is coming up November 10, Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management.

We have also included some upcoming CPE events from AGA National and other chapters. Please take a look at the information for the 2022 Technology & Transformation Summit (page 3)… This is 8 CPE and is free to members!!! If you can’t attend the full day, you can still get credit for the sessions you do attend. This is a great part of your membership value!

The chapter board spent time in September and October discussing what we could for new AGA members. Historically, we offered a free lunch meeting. Since those are no longer part of the event rotation, we brainstormed and came up with a few ideas. The result was a vote to give new members $20 off the registration fee for the Annual Symposium. This also helps with members who are outside the Madison area and could not reasonably attend the lunch meetings. We will do a look-back to all members with an original join date of January 1, 2022 or later. I will be reaching out to that list of people over the next month or two to let them know, and I will also do an outreach as the Symposium agenda is finalized. [Note: Be sure to save the date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023]

AGA National has created Google accounts for chapters so we can better handle surveys. We will be sending out a member survey very soon to get feedback on what you would like to see the chapter doing, including the ever-present request for training topics and speakers. This year, we will be offering an optional drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card for completing the survey by the deadline. We look forward to the information so we can use it in planning chapter activities.


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November 10, 2022 Webinar – Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management

Title: Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Risk Management
Speakers: Tyler Carlin, Mike Lane, and Will Walsh – KPMG Advisory

CPE Credits: 1.0 credit
Subject Area: Information Technology

Date: Thursday, November 10, 2022, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. CT

Cost: Free to members and non-members

Instruction Method: Group Internet Based
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None

This webinar is presented by your local AGA Chapter and supported by our members. Please consider joining AGA Southern Wisconsin today.

Registration deadline is Tuesday, November 8, 10:00 a.m.
Limit: 75 people

Register on-line below or by email to Sherri Voigt.

Membership Status(required)

April 20, 2022 Webinar – State and Local Government Emerging Issues

State and Local Government Emerging Issues
R. Kinney Poynter, CPA, Executive Director-
National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT)

When: Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 1:00-2:40 pm Central Time
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: None
Field of Study: FIN
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Program Level: Overview


  1. Provide an overview of current trends and issues for state and local governments
  2. Help attendees locate useful websites for collected data

Participants will earn 2.0 CPE credits


  • Free for AGA members
  • $5.00 for non-members

Registration deadline is Monday April 18, 5 pm

* Limit: 75 people (a wait list will be created if the limit is reached)*

Register via email to [email protected] or here:

Membership Status:(required)

Non-Member Payment Option:

About the Presenter 

R. KINNEY POYNTER, CPA, NASACT Executive Director 

Kinney Poynter is the Executive Director for the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT). In this capacity, he is responsible for the overall operations of NASACT as well as the programs of the National Association of State Comptrollers and National State Auditors Association. NASACT is a professional organization whose mission is to assist state leaders to enhance and promote effective and efficient management of governmental resources. Kinney has been with NASACT since 1989, previously serving as the association’s Deputy Director and various other positions. 

In addition to his experience with NASACT, he has been a partner of a local public accounting firm in Lexington, Kentucky, and a principal auditor with the Kentucky Auditor of Public Accounts, where he conducted financial, performance, and investigative audits on state agencies and local governments. 

While in public practice, he performed single audits on various nonprofit organizations. 

Kinney has BS and MS degrees in accounting from the University of Kentucky and is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Association of Government Accountants (AGA). He previously served on the AICPA Governing Council. He is also a member of the Kentucky Society of Certified Public Accountants, where he has served as chairman of the Governmental Accounting Committee. Kinney has served as an instructor domestically and internationally on a variety of governmental accounting and auditing issues. 



In-Person for 2022 – Full Schedule Linked Below:

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

8:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. Conference

Objective: The intended audience is financial managers, controllers, treasurers, auditors, IT personnel, and accountability professionals whose responsibilities involve governmental accountability and financial management. This conference will explore current problems encountered in the public sector, inform of public policies and emerging issues, and provide managerial techniques to affect positive change.

Format:                 Lecture, Question & Answer

Level:                    Update/Overview

CPE Credits:        6.5 hours

Fee:                       AGA Member $50
                               Non-Member $100
                                Retired AGA Member $30

Registration:    Union South moved up the deadlines for meal and chair counts—

Registration ends on Tuesday, April 26

Symposium Brochure with Schedule and Speakers

Register On-line:

Membership (Choose one)(required)

Payment Method (Choose one)(required)

President’s Message – March 2022

Sherri Voigt, CGFM, CPA

Happy CGFM month!!!! If you have ever considered the Certified Government Financial Manager certification, this is a great time to apply. There is a special running through March 31 that will give you one free exam voucher, a $125 value. Visit for details and to start the process. We have received CGFM Month proclamations from the governor and City of Madison mayor. These are included on pages 5 & 6 of the newsletter.

The Symposium speakers are confirmed and we are just working out some last details on titles and agenda times so the full information can be posted/sent out. I hope to see many of you out there on Wednesday, May 11. Union South surprised us a little this year by moving up the dates for meal and chair counts by a week. Please note that registration cuts off Tuesday, April 26. You can register via email or on our website (soon) and be invoiced later.

We have set up a webinar on Wednesday, April 20. Kinney Poynter, CPA, NASACT Executive Director, will be speaking on “State and Local Government Emerging Issues”. This will be worth 2 CPE.

AGA National has changed our logo for the organization and the CGFM certification. Also, our name has been shortened to “just” AGA. See all the details in this month’s Footnotes.

We have started planning for the fall and have a fraud speaker lined up for a 2 CPE webinar on August 23. If you have any topics you would like to see offered as a webinar, please let us know. Education chair Mary Laufenberg is great at finding speakers and building on your ideas ([email protected]).


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March is CGFM Month!

Apply for the CGFM in March and get a free exam!

Details are on the AGA Website.

Why become Certified Government Financial Manager (CGFM)?

Certified Government Financial Manager® (CGFM®) is a professional certification awarded by AGA, demonstrating competency in governmental accounting, auditing, financial reporting, internal controls and budgeting at the federal, state and local levels.

CGFM is a respected credential that recognizes the specialized knowledge and experience needed to be an effective government financial manager.

Being a CGFM allows you to expand your career opportunities and distinguishes you from others in your field.

Cybersecurity Webinar – January 24, 2022

An overview of cybersecurity topics including:

  • ways you can identify cyber threats  
  • how to protect your data in both the workplace and your home 
  • how to create, protect, and store unique passwords 

Presenter:  Randy Sklar, CEO Sklar Technology Partners 

When:  Monday, January 24, 2022; 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm Central Time 

Prerequisites: None 

Who Should Attend: Anyone who works with electronic data at work or at home
Advanced Preparation: None
Field of Study:  Information Technology-Technical  

Delivery Method:  Group Internet Based  

Program Level: Overview 

Participants will earn 1.0 CPE credits 

Cost:   Free to AGA members 

Free to non-members – special this month! 

Registration deadline is Friday January 21, 5 pm 

*** Limit: 60 people (a wait list will be created if the limit is hit)*** 

Register below or or send an email to Sherri Voigt.

AGA Member?(required)

Ethics Webinar – November 3, 2021

The Influential Power of Workplace Ethics

Wednesday, November 3 Webinar
1:00–2:50 PM CT | 2 CPEs | FOS: BETH

TOPIC: Ethics-The Influential Power of Workplace Ethics

SPEAKER: Kevin Coleman, Empowerment Coach, Trainer, and Speaker KMC Empowerment, LLC

COST: Free for AGA Members / $20 for Non-Members

Register below or e-mail (Sherri Voigt) by 1 pm on Monday, November 1, 2021.

Please note that this is a two-step registration. Register through the chapter to get a code and then register at AGA national. (Directions to be sent upon receipt of chapter registration.)

Limited to 30 participants; a wait-list will be created if registrations go above that number.

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